Tuesday, February 4, 2020


BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING - PowerPoint Presentation Example The choice that you make about time is what can lead to a wasted job or even lack of determination and drive in our lives. Imagine that you were given a certain sum of money every morning, say $86,400. You are requires to spend this money each day, and not save it for the future. How would you spend it? This is exactly what goes on with our most valuable resource every single day of our lives. Each day we get to spend 86,400 seconds. We can’t save it, nor can we invest it in the future. A time management expert at a conference was to give a speech about her success in business and how time management plays a huge part of business success. She kept the crowd involved they seemed to love her. She was providing tips and chipping in success stories. Suddenly, she realized she had been talking for two hours! She stopped to make an apology to the cagey group and explicated that she had left her watch at home. A voice came from the audience, â€Å"There is a calendar next to you†. (LaMarco, 2010) You can now move on to explaining what time management is, as mentioned in the page above. In addition, include the common symptoms of bad time-management as well as good time-management. You might also include an incident during which time-management proved to be a crucial tool for your success. Next to engage the audience, you can do a two-way interaction, asking them how many of them think they are bad at time-management. In addition, you can also ask them to share stories about time-management if you have extra time. 1. The audience might not be interested in lengthy views about time-management. A lot of theory will bore them out of their head. You need to include anecdotes and jokes throughout the presentation to keep them hooked onto your every word. Moreover, engaging them in the presentation will be beneficial as one-sided communication usually results in less concentration on the part of the audience. 2. Your own

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