Thursday, January 2, 2020

The And Justice For All - 1743 Words

With liberty and justice for all. These are the 6 words that conclude the pledge of allegiance of our United States. This is what our nation was built upon: liberty and justice. Justice is the just behavior (insert dictionary source here) or treatment that one may receive or give. To be just is to be fair and righteous and this righteousness is the quality of being morally right (insert dictionary source here). For someone to be shot in cold blood and the killer not have any consequence goes against all morality. As an adult we have the cognitive ability to decipher between right and wrong or good and bad behavior and know that if we violate these expectations we need to be held accountable for our actions. Social Justice is fairness within a society. Fairness with in a society or community is making sure everything is equal within that given society or community. Distribution of wealth is really important. The top 10% of the community can’t have more money than the bottom 90% combined. There has to be fairness in opportunity that is provided within the community. If one given population is allowed to partake in something or are given the opportunity to better their lives than all the other given populations need to have that same fair opportunity as well. The same goes for privilege. It’s not fair when there are special rights and advantages given out that will help a particular group but disadvantage another. Making sure there are equal social rightsShow MoreRelatedJustice For All : The Justice Of All2160 Words   |  9 Pages Justice for All â€Å"My mother was everything to me,† said Joseph Lucky, Debra Reese’s son. â€Å"[. . .] My family lived in the shadow of this event our entire lives.† Ledell Lee is scheduled to be executed for Debra’s murder. (AR Execution Recap) Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has scheduled the executions of eight of Arkansas’ most heinous killers for April of 2017. These men have been convicted and sentenced to death by a jury of their peers and have exhausted the appeals process. These men have beenRead MoreThe And Justice For All Essay1305 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Liberty and Justice for all† is an infamous American value that is broadcast to the whole world. However, for many women immigrants who come to America in search of fair and just working conditions, this is not what they find. Farm workers are often undocumented immigrant women. These workers are being sexually abused constantly, but there is no â€Å"liberty or justice† for these women. Rape in the Fields, the HBO documentary, shows the horrible situation these women are in and how powerless and vulnerableRead MoreJustice for All850 Words   |  3 Pagesprinciple of â€Å"protecting justice† by reporting any actions where justice must be done. If I witness a hit and run, I will report a case and serve as a witness. If I see someone breaks into a car on a street, I will report the police immediately. I stand against unfairness, inequality, corruption, and injustice. I protect justice because without justice, our lives will be in great danger and society will fall into a state of anarchy. I did not realize the importance of justice until the day I experiencedRead MoreFor Liberty And Justice For All1721 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"For liberty and justice for all† (USC 4 Sec. 4). In present day society, it is often assumed mainly by minorities that we live in a racist country despite the claims by higher government organizations that â€Å"fight† for equality. Due to many police brutality cases ranging from the nineties with the Rodney King beating to just recently in 2014 with the Michael Brown shooting, it is clear that racism is still very present in this country, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. US News even concludedRead MoreLiberty And Justice For All842 Words   |  4 PagesLiberty and Justice for All? â€Å"Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.†-V (1988). An inspiring and truthful quote on the sheer immorality of a mindset and ideals. While this quote is meant to speak for the good and righteous things humans stand for to protect their liberties and â€Å"freedoms†, this quote brings to light a sad and dark truth. That creeds of hate, creeds that are only satisfied by the degradation of thy neighborRead MoreLiberty And Justice For All1083 Words   |  5 PagesLiberty and Justice for All All American citizens who pay their taxes and abide by all laws set by the government believe they deserve all rights afforded under the Constitution of the United States of America. This includes the right of Marriage. Who defines marriage? Recently, many lower courts say there is no evidence why gays should not be allowed to marry. These courts realize the American principle of human rights. The reasoning behind such laws and beliefs seems more like direct prejudiceRead MoreLiberty And Justice For All1054 Words   |  5 Pages Corey Cooper Ms. Newman English 101 November 5, 2015 Liberty and Justice for All All American citizens who pay their taxes and abide by all laws set by the government believe they deserve all rights afforded under the Constitution of the United States of America. This includes the right of Marriage. Who defines marriage? Recently, many lower courts say there is no legal evidence as to why homosexuals should not be allowed to marry. These lower courts realize the American principle of humanRead MoreLiberty And Justice For All1381 Words   |  6 PagesLiberty and Justice for All â€Å"One nation, Under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all†. For many of us, this line from the Pledge of Allegiance is ingrained into our memory. The most common place in which this pledge is recited is at schools. It is said casually before the morning announcements, school assemblies and graduations, just to list a few. I find it ironic that this pledge is declared by students all over the nation due to the fact that it is a lie. The United States of AmericaRead MoreWith Liberty and Justice for All1579 Words   |  7 Pagesgovernment the fifty-five delegates would have to answer a couple questions first. A huge theme that had emerged throughout the preceding revolution had been the importance of liberty. The supporters of the revolution had stressed on multiple occasions that all men have certain liberties that they are entitled to, but the questions that lacked an answer during this session of the Constitutional Convention were â€Å"What exactly were thos e liberties?† and â€Å"How does one form a government that can coexist with thoseRead MoreThe Justice System Is Not Truly Provide Justice For All839 Words   |  4 Pagesgo to jail in their lifetime and one in seventeen white males will go to prison. Fairness and justice in the United States has not evolved since the 1930’s. Do you think fairness and justice in the United States has evolved after the Trayvon Martin case and Freddie Gray’s case? The American legal system does not truly provide justice for all. The first reason that many see as proof of how the justice system has failed is because of racial profiling. For example, Trayvon Martin, a black 17 year

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