Thursday, November 7, 2019

Math History essays

Math History essays 1. Pythagoreans discover irrational numbers. 532 BC 3. Archimedes determines formulas for the area and volume of a sphere. 250 B.C. 4. Eratosthenes determines the circumferences of Earth. 5. Appollonius studies conic sections. 6. Al-Khowarizmi uses zero. 830 A.D. 7. Rudolff introduces the radical sign. 1525 A.D. 8. Tartaglia solves cubic equations. 1535 A.D. 9. Recorde introduces the equals sign. 1557 A.D. 10. Stevin introduces decimals. 1585 A.D. 11. Harriot introduces the inequality signs. 1610 A.D. 12. Napier invents logarithms. 1614 A.D. 13. Oughtred invents the slide rule. 1630 A.D. 14. Descartes creates analytic geometry. 1637 A.D. 15. Fermat leaves last theorem. 1647 A.D. 16. Pascal and Fermat discuss theory of probability in their correspondence. 1654 A.D. 17. Newton invents calculus. 1665 A.D. 18. Leibniz invents calculus. 1675 A.D. 19. Wallace introduces the symbol for infinity(Â ¥). 1685 A.D. 20. Saccheri writes Euclid Freed of Every Flaw. 1733 A.D. 21. Goldbach states famous conjecture. 1742 A.D. 22. Euler shows that epi + 1 = 0. 1748 A.D. 23. Agnesi writes foundations of Analysis. 1748 A.D. 24. Lambert proves p is irrational. 1768 A.D. 25. Argand graphs imaginary numbers. 1806 A.D. 26. Gauss determines the convergence of infinite series. 27. Godel publishes incompleteness theorems. 1831 A.D. 28. Galois writes about group theory. 1832 A.D. 29. Lovelace describes how to program Babbages Analytical Engine. 1842 A.D. 30. Riemann creates elliptic geometry. 1854 A.D. 31. Mobius strip is discovered. 1858 A.D. 32. Kovalevski is the first woman to earn a doctorate in mathematics. 1874 A.D. 33. Cantor creates transfinite numbers. 1895 A.D. 34. Whitehead and Russell write Principia Mathematica. ...

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