Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Report on Classification Of Business Essay - 1015 Words

Report on Classification Of Business Classification of Businesses according to their types of activity: Primary Sector Businesses: The gathering of raw materials, such as fish, oil, or coal from the land or sea or growing using the earth to grow things such as crops or trees Examples: Rio Tinto (Mining), JCI Gold (Mining), Anglo Amer (Mining), BP (Oil and Gas), and Soco International (Oil and Gas). Secondary Sector Businesses: The processing of raw materials into finished goods. Examples of this are food production, computer component manufacture, and car manufacture. Examples: Schweppes (Food and Drink), Unilever (Food and Drink), Intel (Computer Component Production) and Ati (Computer Component Production).†¦show more content†¦Currently the top company in the UK using this method is; HSBC Group (Banking) ($M673, 474) Definitions of Business Localities Local: Businesses trading within, and not exceeding the bounds of the local area, normally defined as within a county or town. National: Businesses trading within, and not exceeding the bounds of one country. International: Businesses trading worldwide, between two or more countries. Classification of Business according to their objective(s): A profit driven business would have its only, or more commonly, its main objective set as making as much money as possible. A non-profit driven business would have different objectives, such as to survive, or, in the case of the business being a charity, to give as much money as possible to needy causes. An example of a profit driven business is Microsoft Corporation (Software), with a turnover of $Thou 25,296,000 An example of a non-profit driven business is the MOD (Ministry of Defence), the main aim being to provide a defence service. Report on Two Businesses in my local area: The two businesses I have chosen to report on are: Marks Spencer Plc, and Marconi. These are both international businesses, but both have local branches. Marks Spencer Plc is an international retailer with 718 locations across 34 countries. The business sells clothing,Show MoreRelatedThe Industrial Classification to Organize Industries Essay1069 Words   |  5 PagesThe term Industrial Classification refers to the system by which companies and industries are organized or classified by in the United States. It uses a label system called the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) that is composed of four digits. This system started in 1937 with a four digit code in which has been modified to a six digit code and renamed to the North America Industry Classification System (NAICS). This system is used by governmental agencies to classify the different industrialRead MoreImplementing The Tax System Classification Rules1139 Words   |  5 Pagesof the Treasury (Treasury) finalized rules that were intended to simplify the tax entity classification rules. These rules have become known as the â€Å"check-the-box† regulations. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 1228 Words

Making marijuana legal in all fifty states is one of the biggest debates going on right now. Well, that is, if it isn t already legal in your hometown. There are twenty-five states that has it legalized. Alaska, New York, Oregon, and Maryland are just a few. There are possession limits that each state has issued, though. For example, Alaska is only allowed to have one ounce usable, which is six plants and Oregon is allowed to have up to twenty-four ounces useable, which equals to twenty-four plants. So, of course, other states are now hoping for their chance, but these states have legalized marijuana because it has improved conditions such as cancer, HIV, AIDS, epilepsy, and other disorders characterized by seizures. For decades and generations Americans only knew of marijuana as a powerful and dangerous drug. One that could rise the number of deaths and criminal behavior if it was allowed in their community. This fear came about in the United States in the early 1900’s just a fter the Mexican Revolution, As stated on At this particular time there was an influx of immigration from Mexico into states such as Texas and Louisiana. These new Americans brought their native language, culture, and customs. Of course, one of those customs were the use of cannabis as a medicine and relaxant. The Mexican immigrants referred to the plant as â€Å"marihuana.† Which is a foreign term. This issue is so important for the present because everyone needs to understandShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believ e that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high† or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.   Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Ã‚  Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high† feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words   |  5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot† smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1145 Words   |  5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a drug that has been actively used for centuries. This drug can be traced back to 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. He spoke about the euphoric effects of Cannabis and even referred to it as the â€Å"Liberator of Sin.† Since early on, marijuana was seen as a medicinal plant that was recommended for medical uses. Marijuana is currently in schedule I, which means that physicians are not allowed to prescribe it in the United States (Hart, Ksir 2013). This drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words   |  7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the m edical side of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this would

Monday, December 9, 2019

Single sex or coeducation free essay sample

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in single-sex education. Many people have begun to voice their opinion on the matter, some believing it is beneficial, and others arguing it is disadvantageous. In the article â€Å"The Bizarre, Misguided Campaign to Get Rid of Single-Sex Classrooms†, the author argues that single-sex education is the solution to many of America’s educational flaws. The author gives multiple arguments supporting the notion of a single-sex schooling environment. She gives evidence stating that girls and boys learn differently, and that single-sex classrooms allow each gender to thrive without distraction. The author also acknowledges the many arguments against single-sex education. Proponents of a coeducational schooling system believe isolating boys and girls is extremely harmful to their development, and that it reinforces gender stereotypes. Each of these arguments have strengths and weaknesses, but neither is fully correct. The true solution to this education debate lies between the two arguments; single-sex classes offered in a coeducational school system. The argument supporting single-sex education has many strengths. In the article â€Å"The Bizarre, Misguided Campaign to Get Rid of Single-Sex Classrooms†, the author is a strong proponent of keeping classrooms single-sex. The author gives two main advantages to having single-sex classrooms. First, studies show that boys and girls learn in completely different ways. The author explains â€Å"Boys and girls, taken as groups, have different interests, propensities, and needs† (Sommers, 1). This means that children in coeducational facilities are being taught very inefficiently, because the school has to keep material relevant for both boys and girls. On the contrary, at single-sex schools the material can be tailored towards a specific gender. The next main advantage is that single-sex education increases student achievement. The author shares evidence found by Stetson University showing â€Å"Over the four years of the study, 55 percent of boys in coed classes scored proficient on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, compared with 85 percent of boys in the all-boys classes. † Females perform better when they are not competing with males. In coeducational classes, girls feel pressure to act dumb so that they will not appear brainy to the boys in class. They do not feel this pressure in a single-sex environment. Similarly, males do not feel pressure to try to impress females by clowning around or acting out in the classroom. This way greater attention can be focused on academics. Although the arguments made in the article strengthen the case for single-sex classrooms, the author overlooks many other potential benefits. The benefits of single-sex education reach much further than efficiency and performance. It is proven that students in single-sex schools feel less pressure than their coeducational counterparts. This decrease in pressure results in many advantages for both males and females. Without the distraction of impressing females, males are less competitive and more cooperative. In addition, girls are more willing to speak in public, and exhibit higher levels of confidence and self-esteem. With this decrease in pressure, students will enjoy the learning environment more. This results in an increased attendance frequency because students look forward to school, rather than dreading to attend. Single sex education increases opportunities for leadership as well. In a female single sex environment, girls hold leadership positions that they might not have the opportunity to hold in a coeducational environment. Furthermore, males may be less inhibited to get involved and assume leadership roles in the absence of females. Another benefit of single-sex education is the ability to tailor the environment towards either males or females. This is advantageous because some studies indicate that females learn better in warmer temperature. While males tend to perform better in cooler environments. If this is true, then even the temperature of a single-sex classroom can be set to optimize the learning of either male of female students. The author also explains the opposition to single-sex education, but disagrees with every argument given. I believe the argument opposing single-sex schooling has many strong points as well. In the article, the author describes the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) campaign â€Å"Teach Kids, Not Stereotypes† and its goal to â€Å"discredit and terminate gender-specific programs in American schools. The American Civil Liberties Union thinks organizing schools by gender is  equivalent to organizing schools by race. Their goal is to terminate all single-sex programs in America, by threatening the schools with expensive lawsuits and investigations. The author spends much of the article discrediting the claims made by the ACLU, saying â€Å"race and sex are different, as the Supreme Court has emphasized and as most everyone recognizes† (Sommers, 1). Although I do not agree with the extremity of the arguments made by the ACLU, I believe there are strengths in their reasoning. There are two major critiques made by the ACLU regarding single-sex education. The first argument is that â€Å"there is good evidence that sex segregation increases gender stereotyping and legitimizes institutional sexism†. They believe a single-sex educational environment inadvertently leads to the reinforcement of stereotypes. Assigning students of one gender to a class and using gender-based instructional techniques is evidence of the assumption that all students of the same sex are alike, and will respond in like fashion. Just because a boy is in the boys class, does not mean that he is interested in physical activities. Likewise, all girls are not interested in collaborative activities that are used in girls classes. The second argument made by the ACLU is that â€Å"There is no well-designed research that proves that single-sex education improves academic achievement†. The coeducational proponents believe the research on single-sex education is a mix of contradictory findings that fails to cite any serious research. The research on classrooms is vague and unsettled. There are too many factors involved to come up with a strong conclusion. Results could depend on class size, length of school days, or even how much homework was assigned that particular day. The author counters this by pointing out â€Å"advocates on either side can find vindication in the research† (Sommers, 1). The arguments made by the ACLU are strong and concise, but they have overlooked many potential downfalls of the single-sex education system. They have also failed to express the potential benefits of the coeducational system. The disadvantages of the single-sex school system stretch much further than stereotypes and performance. A major problem with this system is that it does not mirror real life. Real life means having to interact in a coed world. Single-sex education prevents students from developing social skills necessary for a coed world. Students of both genders should learn to work, think, and learn together during the formative years of their lives. Another problem with the single-sex education system is that few teachers are formally trained in gender specific teaching techniques. There would be no benefit for a gender specific class to be taught in a coeducational manner. In addition, gender differences in learning are not the same across the board. For a sensitive boy or an assertive girl, the teaching style promoted may be ineffective. For example, a sensitive boy may be intimidated by a teacher who speaks loudly and is tough on the students thinking â€Å"that’s what boys need to learn†. Similarly, an assertive girl would not be challenged by a teacher who is too passive or gentile. Finally, single-sex education groups all rambunctious little boys together so that teaching is almost impossible. A quiet and calm environment is impossible if only boys are in the classroom. An all-male class will not have the benefit of a good learning environment. The arguments supporting and opposing single-sex education both have valid points, but they lack compromise. Those who are against single-sex education, such as the ACLU, refuse any solution but to eradicate it. Those who are for it, such as the author of the article, refuse to accept the possible disadvantages presented. The solution to this debate must be a neutral compromise between the two extreme arguments. I believe the solution to the debate is to offer single-sex classes within a coeducational school system. This would allow students to receive the best of both worlds. Students would have the opportunity to experience the single-sex class environment, without any potential downfalls. This system would eliminate the possibility of gender stereotyping, because only individual classes would be single-sex, rather than an entire school. There would be interaction between males and females at all times outside of the classroom, eliminating the â€Å"not real-world† argument. The classes would be completely optional, so students would not be forced into a single-sex class if they disagree with it. Therefore groups such as the ACLU cannot claim the students have no choice in the matter. Finally, students will be able to reap the performance benefits of a single-sex environment, without having to sacrifice any social aspects of schooling. In the article â€Å"The Bizarre, Misguided Campaign to Get Rid of Single-Sex Classrooms†, the author argues that single-sex education could resolve many of the educational problems that American schools face today. On the contrary, organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union believe single-sex education would make America’s educational woes even worse. Each argument, whether supporting or opposing single-sex education, has its strengths and its weaknesses. Although they are not able to compromise, the best solution to the debate is to offer single-sex classes within a coeducation school. This would allow students to gain a valuable experience, while not hindering their futures. With the recent increased interest in single-sex education, many concerned individuals are voicing their opinions. The tension between each side is very evident, and this reminds us of one thing, compromise is key.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The helicopter investigation Essay Example

The helicopter investigation Paper In order to be able to observe my results to trace patterns and correlations through the data, I have created a table, which shows the length of the helicopters wingspan, and also the results for each wingspan, which was taken individually three times. These results are yet again to 2 decimal places to achieve a more precise range of results, and an average is used to calculate the average of all the three attempts. Wing span length TestMy results show major anomalous result through Test 1 2, however throughout the averages this becomes very minor and proves that overall it could have been a mistake with the stopwatch or the person conducting it. Conclusion To conclude my data from my investigation, I can interpret that my prediction was overall correct. This was as a result of my results showing a distinct pattern, where a constant speed is shown, due to the length of the wingspan decreasing in proportion. The graphs illustrated display a steady increase in speeds between the upper wingspans (9cm to 6cm), then wing span 5cm shows a steeper gradient, which means there has been an increase in speed, but may seem misleading as it looks like there has been a quick deceleration in my graph, yet the time differences are the sack of a few milliseconds in comparison to the earlier results where there is about 25 milliseconds different in increased speed. We will write a custom essay sample on The helicopter investigation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The helicopter investigation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The helicopter investigation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer My suggestions is that the increase in speed is due to the lower wingspans ranging from 4 cm to 2cm having a much higher terminal velocity, which is a result of the paper helicopter that is smaller being much more compact and a more denser object then the helicopter with a longer wingspan this causes it to have a higher maximum speed. By using the Speed formula, I can conclude that a helicopter with a wingspan of 9cm has a speed of 1. 26 by using the formula Speed= distance/ time (2. 98/2.28), this compares to the smallest wingspan, which was 2cm having a speed of 3,63(2. 98/0. 82) that ends up being 2 mph faster! I believe this is a result of the decrease in wingspan size my helicopter has more than doubled the speed from the starting length of 9cm. To substantiate this point furthermore, the graph shows that each different wingspan lands quicker than the one before it, there is a positive correlation that as the wing span decreases the speed increases, which overall aids my prediction even further. Since I predicted my helicopters wingspan decreases less air resistance will be needed to push against the gravitational force, which is forcing my helicopter to gradually fall. Therefore, the accelerating force, the gravity would be greater then the drag force, otherwise known as air resistance, and because the forces are unbalanced there would be greater acceleration, also bearing in mind that Newton calculated that everything has a mass of 10 m/s. So because of the unbalanced forces and the added mass of 10 m/s the helicopter with fewer wingspans should and has shown from my results to land much quicker. The main reason for this is that the gravitational force is greater than the resistance force. Evaluation Overall, my investigation was successful because the results, which were gathered very precise, the method in which I would obtain results was also very accurate since it was a very easy guide to follow and the results gained helped to further prove my prediction correct and supplementary giving me a firm and transparent knowledge of forces in motion. The overall accuracy of my results was good since it allowed me to illustrate a very clear graph with a relatively easy line of best fit since the results followed a positive correlation making the outcome reliable, their were not many anomalous results but some did occur throughout the first two tests, which were very considerably out of line. I believe these results were overall human error since they ended up following the average correlation in the end. For next time, I would have considered taking more trials such as five instead of three to ensure that an even higher reliability in results would be gathered. Nevertheless, my final three results from wingspan 4cm to 2cm were anomalous at the time, not because they werent increasing in speed, but because they seemed grouped together, which I came to a reasoning for, which was that they had met there overall terminal velocity. To improve upon my investigation, I would perhaps begin to introduce different variables such as different sized helicopters in general to see if they would have made an overall difference in the results or would have tried differing the size of the paper clips or the width of the wings, or even make different cuts into the wings as wind breakers, which would allow me to discover new logic behind the aerodynamics of a helicopter and how shape affects the speed. The other variable in my prior investigation, mass of the helicopter might have been a more reasonable choice since it was much less predictable and overall the outcome of this investigation was inevitable. To carry out this investigation, I would consider attaching extra mass by adding a new paper clip each time, as a I know paper clips weigh 0. 25g, If I was to do the experiment ten times I would have added a total mass of 2. 5g, which I think would make a considerable effect in the rate at which my helicopter would descend, but to drop this from the ceiling would not be significant enough and a much higher height would have to be used. It wouldnt be very sensible to stand on a roof and drop this since it would be affected by other variables outside, and instead using the stairs would be a much greater idea. To develop my current experiment for next time, I would consider dropping it from the ceiling therefore I wouldnt have to hold the metre stick each time and it would have ended up being a much fairer trial since the height of the ceiling would never change and the metre stick might have gradually differed each time. Nevertheless, the differences would not have been drastic and would not have caused even milliseconds of difference.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Super Project Essay Example

The Super Project Essay Example The Super Project Essay The Super Project Essay Similarly, had the firm not engaged this excess capacity in the production of Super, it is likely that it would have been put to another productive use (probably In the production of Jell-O, a product line whose production levels have recently Increased substantially). For these reasons, the proportional use of the costs associated with the Jell-O building (66. 6%) and agglomerate (50%) must be added as Opportunity Costs; this also necessitates certain assumptions regarding CA tax shields and depreciation (see Appendix 8). Overhead Cost Allocation: The Stand Alone principle requires that a reject par If It is using resources from other departments. However, since overhead spending decisions at SGF are made separately from decisions to Increase volume (p. 444), projects should be evaluated on an Incremental basis. Since overhead cash flows (utilities, etc. ) are the same whether or not the project is accepted, charging overhead to the project would be inappropriate in this case. ROOF: ROOF at SGF is calculated by dividing the 10-year average profit before taxes by 10-year average funds employed. In essence, SGF Is using the Average Accounting Return (EAR). There are 3 major problems with this approach: first, the method uses accounting numbers rather than real cash flows; second, because It Is an average, the timing of cash flows (I. E. When inflows/outflows occur) is not taken into account; third, the 40% ROOF is chosen somewhat arbitrarily. The EAR method may entice managers to only choose projects that are profitable in the near term, rather than evaluating them based on their long-term value and contribution. The first period only depreciates by 5% while the next nine will depreciate by 10%. After all the depreciation has occurred there will just be the salvage value remaining for the capital asset. With depreciation being paid each year there is a tax shield created. A tax shield is a deduction in income taxes that result from taking an allowable deduction from taxable income. To find out how much the tax shield the Super Project has, just take the amount of depreciation for that period and multiple it by the tax rate (52%). The tax rate used was the average tax rate over the past 10 years. Cost of Debt and cost of equity help get different rates that are an important factor in figuring out the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Cost of debt gives the interest rate General Foods would pay for all the current debts. While the cost of equity is the minimum rate of return that they must offer shareholders to keep them investing in their company. The Super Project has cost of debt of 1. 57% and cost of equity of 13%. This helps figure out the WACC which is the rate we expect to pay on average to all security holders to finance our assets. The WACC for the super project is 11. 77% which is less than the 13% rate of return that the shareholders are looking for. This tells us that the Super Project might not be the best idea. NPV is still the best measure for capital budgeting so we went ahead and did the calculations for it. To figure out the net present value we have to first figure out the cash flow. In 1968 we get earnings before income taxes of $283. This is the $643 total investment minus the $360 cost for test markets that we see as a sunk cost and are not including it as part of the Super Project. The cash flow generates positive revenue for the Super Project but we still have to factor in that the Super Project is eroding 20% of Jell-O causing their revenues to decrease along with their cash flow. After cash flow is figured out we are finally able to see what the NPV is. When calculating NPV you have to get the sum of discounted cash flows and add it to the initial investment. For the Super Project we get $298. 4 discounted cash flow + (653) fixed investment = (354. 6) NPV. With the NPV being a negative number, we know to reject the super project.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise

5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise 5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise 5 Ways to Make a Sentence More Concise By Mark Nichol Expressing oneself clearly and concisely in speech is a challenge because one has so little time to order one’s thoughts and choose one’s wording carefully, but writing is easily improved with even the briefest review. Always read over what you have written (whether it’s a tweet or a book manuscript) before you distribute or publish it- not only to adhere to the mechanical basics of grammar, syntax, usage, and style but also to check for narrative flow and conciseness. The following sentences, and the discussions and revisions that follow each one, include advice for paring unnecessary words and phrases. 1. As you establish your policies, it is recommended that you develop a comprehensive list of business activities. When offering recommendations, avoid overly polite entreaties, and simply state the advice as an imperative: â€Å"As you establish your policies, develop a comprehensive list of business activities.† (Other words that signal an expendable phrase are advised, suggested, necessary, and imperative.) 2. Nearly all of the processes and steps conducted during this phase were planned in the early stages. In â€Å"all of the† phrases, of is almost always optional, and the can often be safely omitted as well: â€Å"Nearly all processes and steps conducted during this phase were planned in the early stages.† 3. IPO activity has increased over the past few years, and that presents a great advantage for the company. Be alert for opportunities to condense sentences consisting of two independent clauses into a simple statement. Here, what was an introduced observation is recast as an acknowledged phenomenon, changing the subject from â€Å"IPO activity† to â€Å"the increase in IPO activity†: â€Å"The increase in IPO activity over the past few years presents a great advantage for the company.† 4. Organizations can realize tremendous value from risk management in a cost-effective and efficient way. The presence of way (or manner, or basis, or any similar vague noun) at the end of a sentence signals a sentence in need of abbreviation. Simply dismantle the phrase that ends with the noun and convert the adjectives that precede the noun into adverbs: â€Å"Organizations can cost-effectively and efficiently realize tremendous value from risk management.† 5. There are core sets of critical activities and critical communications that must be performed at this stage. When a sentence or clause begins with an expletive (â€Å"There is/are† or â€Å"It is/They are†), consider omitting the phrase and beginning the sentence with the noun or noun phrase that follows (and delete the now-extraneous that that follows the subject): â€Å"Core sets of critical activities and critical communications must be performed at this stage.† Taking Conciseness Too Far Be cautious, however, about overzealous conciseness, as in the case of multiple nouns and noun phrases stacked in a dense swarm of words. Relaxing a sentence can be just as effective as tightening it in improving a sentence: Overly concise: Executive management and board of directors’ expectations about scalability can be unrealistic. Relaxed: The expectations of executive management and the board of directors about scalability can be unrealistic. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should KnowBetween vs. In BetweenCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Microeconomics class; News Article Analysis Essay

Microeconomics class; News Article Analysis - Essay Example According to research by the IMF, what is important is consistency in wealth creation, which eliminates inequality at the long run. Other economics believe that, poverty does not arise from inequality, but the move by the government to increase tax against the rich in efforts of ensuring equal distribution of wealth. Countries that focus more on wealth distribution face lengthy periods of slow economic growth. This is because the level of spending within the county is not only low, but also not uniform. According to the article, unequal countries are poor in terms of social indicators, for example, achievements in education, compared to countries that have equality in income distribution. This is an indication that poor families find it hard to invest in education, which pushes them to higher levels of poverty. Up to some levels, redistribution of wealth does not affect wealth creation. For example, in countries with substantial redistribution, the growth in wealth per individual is not substantially lower. However, countries with more redistribution may face shorter growth spells (The Economist). According to the article, there is a positive correlation between wealth creation and income inequality. In other words, the more unequal a country is, the more the rate of income growth. High-income inequality means that only a small proportion of the population within an economy controls the wealth. Therefore, consumption within the economy is as well concentrated within the small population. There is a direct association connecting wealth creation within an economy and the level of expenditure or consumption. In unequal countries, the level of consumption is low because it is concentrated within a few citizens that own resources. Therefore, there is a lack of enough expenditure to spur growth. Developed countries across the world, create more wealth than the developing countries. This is because the level of expenditure within the economies is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Assignment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Assignment - Case Study Example Therefore, the buyers have a reasonable influence on the prices that Movie Rental Industry sets for its rental movies, though not wholesomely. The bargaining power of suppliers in the rental movie industry is high, since it is the content providers, the networking companies and the distribution studios that regulate the prices that movie rental industry pays for the supply of the rental movies (Patton, 142). Therefore, considering the fact that the movie DVD format are continuously getting out of fashion while the digital hiring of movies is becoming the common trend in the modern world, movie rental industry is completely vulnerable to the distribution studios terms and conditions, since the studios hold the copyright privileges and may rent or withdraw the rights at will (Patton, 42). This leaves movie rental industry without much say regarding what price to pay for whatever content is offered. Internal competitive rivalry for movie rental industry is low, because the niche market operated by movie rental industry has the theater as the other main competitor, meaning that the internal competitive rivalry is low (Patton, 140). However, outside of the niche market, the competitive forces might be high, owing to the fact that there are many other operators in the wider entertainment industry, especially the theater locations for live performances. Thus, while the movie rental industry is a growing industry where competition is set to be high in the coming days, the niche market of digital rental movies is currently not very crowded, making the internal niche market competition low. While the entry into the rental movie market is not very restricted, the cost of attaining the digital distribution license is high, thus making it relatively difficult for many similar entities offering the same product to enter and thus offer a low-medium threat to the movie rental industry services (Patton, 143). Additionally, the digital distribution of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Personal Ethic Statement Essay Example for Free

Personal Ethic Statement Essay VirtuePersonal Ethics Statement Personal ethics provides a foundation for an individuals’ moral scale. It reflects personal beliefs on values, morals, right, and wrong. Personal ethics is influenced by family, friends, community, religion, culture, and coworkers; and that can have a positive or negative impact. Personal ethics varies from person to person; some points may be similar whereas others will differ. Personal ethics drives actions, and to some point, emotions day by day. Depending, on the individual our personal ethics and where we stand will lead us on a path of failure or success. According to my Ethical Lens Inventory, my preferred ethical lens is Rights- Responsibility and Results Lens (Ethical Lens Inventory Games), meaning that I can think rationally and still be emotionally balanced while coming up with a solution for the greater good of the people. I value independence and individual rights while making sure everyone is treated fairly. I am optimistic and like to bring new ideas to the table that someone may not have seen before. My blind spot is â€Å"Belief that motives justify methods or your own good is good† (Ethical Lens Inventory Games). Sometimes I let people down who are depending on me. I can ignore other problems as long as mines are solved. My strengths are â€Å"Self Knowledge and Free will† (Ethical Lens Inventory Games) I believe in balancing responsibility and entrepreneurship. I believe everyone should be accountable and self-reliant because I am so I expect that from others. My weakness is once I have made up my mind about something that I can close the door on other interpretation. I also have to accept that I cannot do everything by myself and that if I do not take the time to reflect that I can fail and become exhausted. My values are Autonomy, Rationality, Sensibility, Temperance, and Prudence (Ethical Lens Inventory Games). As a result of my personal background and what I have learned, I have placed prominence on being independent but also accepting help from others. My course of action is taking and accepting responsibility for my own actions. I have high expectations and my actions will determine my level of success. I will take time out to reflect on who I am, who I want to become and how I am going to get there. I am going to do what is right and in my heart. I will not change who I am for others even if they dislike me. I will follow the golden rule and treat people how I want to be treated. I will be fair to others and avoid being biased. I will fulfill my duties for those counting on me, and be respectful and show dignity for myself and for others. I will never settle for less and try my hardest at everything that I do, and seek continued improvement. References Ethics Games. Ethical Lens Inventory Report. Retrieved from http://www. ethicsgames. com

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Essay -- essays research papers fc

The practice of female genital mutilation, also known as female circumcision, occurs throughout the world, but it is most common in Africa. Female genital mutilation is a tradition and social custom to keep a young girl pure and a married woman faithful. In Africa it is practiced in the majority of the continent including Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Mozambique and Sudan. It is a cross-cultural and cross-religious ritual, which is performed by Muslims, Coptic Christians, Protestants, Catholics and members of various indigenous groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Female genital mutilation is usually performed on girls before they reach puberty. It is a procedure where either part or the entire clitoris is surgically removed leaving a reduced or total lack of sexual feeling. This procedure is an attempt to reduce the sex drive of women, making them less likely to be sexually active before marriage or engage in extra-marital affairs. Although this procedure can be seen as a means to control a woman’s sexuality, the act of female circumcision determines the gender identity of women. A circumcised woman is a virgin, ready for marriage and to bear children for her husband, â€Å"Girls who are infibulated will probably not find husbands. In most cases they will become outcasts.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Female genital mutilation is not a new practice. In fact circumcised females have been discovered among the mummies of ancient Egyptians. A Greek papyrus dated 163 BC refers to operations performed on girls at the age they received their dowries. A Greek geographer reported the custom of circumcision of girls he found while visiting Egypt in 25 BC. In Africa female circumcision has been reported in at least twenty-six countries and can be viewed as a public health problem â€Å"because of its wide geographic distribution, the number of females involved and the serious complications caused by the operation.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Female genital mutilation is practiced in three major forms: â€Å"Sunna† circumcision, Clitoridectomy, and Infibulation. Sunna circumcision consists of the removal of the tip of the clitoris and/or the prepuce (covering). Clitoridectomy, also referred to as excision, consists of the removal of the entire clitoris (both prepuce and glans) and removal of the adjacent labia. Infibulation, also referred to as phara... ...s, and aunts footsteps, which would bring shame against herself and tarnish her family honor. Female genital mutilation is such a brutal and barbaric practice that it is amazing it is still occurs today. The health hazards associated with it should be enough to have it terminated. However, the reasons women have forgoing through with the operation is the custom of female genital mutilation is so engrained in their sociocultural system. The importance of family honor, virginity, chastity, purity, marriageability, and childbearing in these societies cannot be overstressed. Therefore in the minds of the people who adhere to this belief, the benefits gained from this operation for the girl and her family far outweigh any potential danger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Female Genital Mutilation. See: Female Genital Mutilation Research Homepage. See: Kouba, Leonard and Judith Muasher 1985 Female Circumcision in Africa: an Overview. African Studies Review 28:95-110. Van Der Kwaak, Anke 1992 Female Circumcision and Gender Identity: A Questionable Alliance? Social Science and Medicine 35(6):777-787.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Statistical Literature Review and Critique of Empirical Article

ARTICLE REVIEW AND CRITIQUE: â€Å"Efficiency of Brand Placement in an International Film- Effects of Exposure in a Local Context† Slim Khalbous and Merium Maazoul Journal of Creative Communications, Volume 5, Issue 1 (March 2010), p. 23-46 SYNOPSIS Product and brand placement arouses a particular interest at the announcers. However the massive use of brands in international programs incites us to wonder about the effect of the local socio-cultural context on the efficiency of this creative technique.This research presents, first an explanatory abstract frame of the influence of the local context variables and the variables of programming on the recall of the placement; and second an empirical validation realized in two phases. First of all, a qualitative analysis of contents by experts; then a quantitative study by experimentation realized with 150 individuals. The results show that, globally the effect of the local context on the memorization of the placement is direct and t hat the recall of the placed brands depends on attitudes towards the spoken language, on social interactions and some characteristics of the audience.KEYWORDS Brand placement, recall, programming, context, exposing language, social interactions The empirical application was done by showing a James Bond film that had several product placements in a part of North Africa called Tunisia; an area where a lot of international films are consumed. The study wanted to explore the â€Å"effect of the specific context related to the international film on the effectiveness of the placement in terms of memorization. In order to do this, the research had to go through three stages: (1) a state of the art, which generated some of the research propositions (2) a qualitative phase, to choose and analyze the international film, and (3) a quantitative phase, which would measure the impact of exposure in the effectiveness of placement in the film. Attitudes toward Language Effect Foreign language can improve the advertising effectiveness for a product because a foreign language attracts attention, creates a positive attitude, and is more memorable, which can be explained by Helfer’s theory of mbiguity. A study done by Khalbous and Maazaul in 2007 proved that the â€Å"attitude toward advertising is positive when the audience prefers watching the programs in French and commercials in Arabic. † Social interactions also play a huge role in product memorization and attitudes because people will remember what they were saying or doing with others while watching television or film. Individual Variables Effect Gender and the area of residence are two variables on the effectiveness of product placement.American, French, and Austrian men are more likely to accept a product seen in films than women according to studies. However, another study showed that women have more positive attitudes towards placement. â€Å"On the other hand, women would be emotionally more touched th an men, by the stimuli which surrounds them, especially television programs to which they are exposed (Schwartz et al. 1980). † The area of residence is the other factor. The wealthier areas are more likely to be less favorable towards product placement because they are exposed to it more, and have become bored with the predictability of it. According to the study of Hall (2004), the percentage of consumers who said they would try a product if they saw it in a film is 53 percent in Mexico, 49 percent in Singapore, 35 percent in India, and only 26 percent in the USA and 8 percent in France. † The Effect of Specific Context Related to the Program The appreciation of an international film, and the intensity of the emotions generated by the film were the two aspects being studied in this area of research.Most of the interest was about the impact of the characteristics of the film and how they affect the audience’s cognitive reactions. Program Liking Effect Although th ere was no link found between the film’s likability and the memory of product placement in a study conducted in 1994 by Karrh, there was evidence of a link found in 2000. In that study, Blonde & Roozen (2007) found evidence of people being more likely to remember a product placed in a film they liked. International Placement and Tunisian Local ContextThe empirical validation of the conceptual framework was conducted in two stages: the qualitative analysis to select and qualify the selected film (the visual content analysis by experts), and then (2) a quantitative study which determined the impact of the contextual variables on the effectiveness of the placement of products in the film (the experiment). Selection and Analysis of Placements in an International Film: Qualitative Stage Choice of International FilmJames Bond- Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) was the film chosen by a board of four experts for three reasons: it’s known for use of product placement, because the film was not created to pertain to a certain audience, and because the old exit date of the film eliminates short and medium term memorization. Quantitative Experimentation of the Selected Film The main focus was to test the effects of the exposure on the efficiency of placement, while controlling the external variables. Model and Hypothesis of MeasurementIn order to test the relationship between the variables, two things were necessary: firstly, to propose measurements of conceptual framework, and secondly, to form the hypothesis of research to be studied quantitatively. Measurement and Experimental Design The sample used in this study was composed of 150 undergraduate students whose average age ranged between 20 and 22 years old. In order to minimize sampling confound, the students were from different areas and levels of study, different income levels, and were from three different universities, each in different cities in the country.Type of Recalled Placements: Qualitative Analysis of Frequencies According to Table 2, the frequencies of recall of the product placements show that BMW stands out more than the others because it is the only audio-visual placement in the film. It was also repeated several times. Next is Ericsson, whose high scores are due to the familiarity of the brand to Tunisians. The scores may be high for Ericsson, but its rate of recall is low because of its very subtle placement in the film.According to Khalbous and Maazaul, â€Å"the qualitative analysis showed that the high scores of recall were obtained for the audio-visual placements, integrated in the scenario of film, where the brand is presented in a very visible way, accompanied by several integrated and prominent recalls of placement. These results agree results agree with the conclusions of Lehu’s study (2005), according to which the traditional criteria of the placement does not systematically guarantee the success of a placement, by enhancing the recall of the brand.It is thus necessary to consider a global approach integrating the various creative techniques of placement. † Three Things I Liked First of all, the topic was interesting to me because I can relate my own experiences to it. For instance, I have seen a few James Bond movies, and what I love mostly about them is the cars. When I think of James Bond, I think of an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, a dream car of mine only because of the film James Bond 007- Die Another Day.Obviously, the product placement caught my attention, like it did to most of the sample of college students in Africa that were being studied, and was memorable to me, since I’m still talking about it today, even though I saw the film about 5 years ago. Another thing I liked was the study about audio-visual seeming to make the biggest impact on product memorization. I agree with this conclusion because while searching for a movie clip online of my favorite moment of the James Bond 007 Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, I s tumbled onto the wrong clip.I didn’t even remember the part when James Bond’s assistant introduces him to the Vanquish. Based upon research done, the article tells me why: because there was no sound to go along with it. The only part of the movie (or actually, the car) I remember was a very noisy moment full of engine revs and tire squeals. I also liked the study they did on emotion influencing memory, and agree with it also. I can remember when I saw the James Bond movie at the theater, and the feeling I had while watching James Bond drive the Aston Martin on a sheet of ice during a high-speed chase.I was scared, nervous, excited, and my adrenaline was pumping. Immediately after the scene, I turned to my boyfriend and asked â€Å"What kind of car was that? † because I knew it belonged on my dream list. To this day, when someone asks me what my dream car is, I say â€Å"An Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. † I’ve never seen the movie again, but that car, and the feeling I had when I saw it has stayed with me. A few minutes ago, when I went to YouTube and did a search for the â€Å"007 ice chase† I eventually got the right clip; the one that gave me that feeling of excitement.I was surprised, and a little disappointed that I didn’t get the same feeling. Actually, I’m thinking of changing my dream car now, because I don’t think it’s quite as attractive as I remembered it being. This raises a question that I didn’t see research done on in the article: What are the benefits of product placement in an international film vs. an international commercial. I’ve seen some pretty in-depth, action-packed car commercials, but none of them have managed to persuade me to let go of my first dream car, the Aston Martin. Why is that?Is it because there isn’t enough time for a commercial to spark that kind of height of emotion in me? Or maybe because I view commercials as being annoying (except f or Super Bowl commercials; those I like because it gives me something to look forward to during the game). Maybe it’s just the whole experience of being in a movie theater, with that special someone, and being surrounded by loud â€Å"Vrooms! †, and hearing others’ reactions to the movie that just can’t be captured by watching a commercial. I don’t know, but I think these researcher guys are onto something! What I Didn’t LikeLike I said before, I would have liked for them to compare the effect of international commercials and the effect of international films because maybe there is a way to get create enough emotion in a short 120 second commercial if it’s in a language not native to the viewers. I would also like to know about the similarities and differences between the effectiveness of product placement in an international film and one that is native if there are any. Question According to Khalbous and Maazaul, high scores of recal l of the products placed in the James Bond film were obtained for what reasons?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost Essay

Walking alone at night, for some, can seem like a peaceful thing to do, to help clear a person’s mind and let the day’s troubles disappear into the dark. For others, though, the night is when a person feels the most alone and must face their own demons. Robert Frost makes the night become that dark, grim and depressing time in which people reflect on themselves in his poem â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†. The first time reading the poem, one just simply thinks a person is taking a walk at night in the city, keeping to themself when meeting the watchman and listening to the sounds on the streets around, all the while keeping time by the moon in the sky as to when to head back home. But, when taking a closer look, the reader can begin to see the pain, grief and the foreboding feeling the speaker has about life itself, the feeling of being alone and wanting it to stay that way. It also shows that the speaker isn’t the only person with pain and grief on this night. The theme of Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† is depression and grief in the speakers’ personal life. Frost tells us this by using symbolism and tone in the lines of the poem. â€Å"I have walked out in rain – and back in rain. † The second line in the poem tells the reader that whatever troubles the speaker is having or has had is so much for this person, that when they walk in the night, it doesn’t matter what the weather is, they will walk and walk all night through the rain, trying to out walk their troubles. The rain can also symbolize life itself, always pouring one thing after another on a person, one stress after another, one heartache after another, and sometimes no matter how strong a person is, they can never get away from that rain. The following line, â€Å"I have outwalked the furthest city light. † tells the reader, in the literal sense, that the speaker also does not care about the distance as to which they will walk to try to leave their troubles behind. Or it can symbolize that no matter how far a person goes in life, there is always trouble waiting. I have looked down the saddest city lane. † shows the reader that the speaker, though physically alone, isn’t all that alone in the grimness of life. The lane the speaker is looking down gives the reader the picture that it is run down, abandoned almost and even probably poverty stricken. The reader sees that the speaker isn’t the only one with trouble and depression, it surrounds the speaker but the he sees himself as alone in that he is wrapped up in his own feelings and thoughts. Even when the speaker passes the watchman on the treet, he doesn’t want to explain why he is out at night and averts his eyes so that maybe he will get by without being stopped. The speaker wants to keep the solitude he has in his mind intact so he wants to avoid even speaking to the watchman. The lines 7 through 10 go more in depth of the speakers’ feelings of solitude and isolation while he is out in the night: â€Å"I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away an interrupted cry Came over houses from another street, but not to call me back or say good-bye;† The 7th line shows that the speaker really is all alone out there when walking; there are no other sounds of people walking or going about on the street he is walking down. The speaker walking alone reflects how he feels in his everyday life, alone, no one to walk with him and take on the troubles of life. But, he isn’t too far away from others because he can hear a cry from another lost soul dealing with their own turmoil. The lines 8 to 9 make the entire poem come across as almost horrific, because the reader then wonders what kind of cry is it that the speaker is hearing? Is the sound of some crime? Or just another person in and dealing with their own hell? Then the final lines of the poem bring home the morbid tone of the entire piece. Line 11, â€Å"And further still at an unearthly height† symbolizes how the speaker feels about how out of reach and out of touch he is with his surroundings and possibly with life itself. The lines 12 and 13, â€Å"One luminary clock against the sky / Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. † makes the reader feel the dark tone of the poem even more. The reader, at this point, is brought closer to understanding the speaker’s feeling of loneliness and solitude because that is how most people feel, no matter when it is, it is never the right time or the wrong time for almost anything. It feels as if one can almost never make the right call as to when to do something in their life that is important. The line 13 makes the reader wonder if the speaker is considering suicide, that the speaker is wondering if the time is ever right for committing suicide, or is it ever right for living life. The repeated line â€Å"I have been one acquainted with he night† as the first and last lines of the poem is the final piece that really sets the tone of darkness for the poem as a whole. Night is usually acquainted with darkness, scary things, loneliness, solitude, unhappiness and even depression. So the simple line brings to light the deepness of the inability of the speaker not being able to find things in common with those around him, not being able to open up and discuss himself and his feelings and thoughts. He has known trouble and pain, and doesn’t know how to leave it behind, so he carries it with him so that even during the day, he feels as if he is always in the darkness of night. Overall, Frost’s poem â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† is a poem that can be taken just literally, or symbolically. It depends on the kind of outlook on life each person that reads the poem has. Some might not see the symbolism of the feelings of darkness, isolation and grief, while others see it right away. But either way, the reader can still feel the dark tone of the poem whether it is the first time reading it, or the hundredth, just from the beginning and ending lines, â€Å"I have been one acquainted with the night†.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Math History essays

Math History essays 1. Pythagoreans discover irrational numbers. 532 BC 3. Archimedes determines formulas for the area and volume of a sphere. 250 B.C. 4. Eratosthenes determines the circumferences of Earth. 5. Appollonius studies conic sections. 6. Al-Khowarizmi uses zero. 830 A.D. 7. Rudolff introduces the radical sign. 1525 A.D. 8. Tartaglia solves cubic equations. 1535 A.D. 9. Recorde introduces the equals sign. 1557 A.D. 10. Stevin introduces decimals. 1585 A.D. 11. Harriot introduces the inequality signs. 1610 A.D. 12. Napier invents logarithms. 1614 A.D. 13. Oughtred invents the slide rule. 1630 A.D. 14. Descartes creates analytic geometry. 1637 A.D. 15. Fermat leaves last theorem. 1647 A.D. 16. Pascal and Fermat discuss theory of probability in their correspondence. 1654 A.D. 17. Newton invents calculus. 1665 A.D. 18. Leibniz invents calculus. 1675 A.D. 19. Wallace introduces the symbol for infinity(Â ¥). 1685 A.D. 20. Saccheri writes Euclid Freed of Every Flaw. 1733 A.D. 21. Goldbach states famous conjecture. 1742 A.D. 22. Euler shows that epi + 1 = 0. 1748 A.D. 23. Agnesi writes foundations of Analysis. 1748 A.D. 24. Lambert proves p is irrational. 1768 A.D. 25. Argand graphs imaginary numbers. 1806 A.D. 26. Gauss determines the convergence of infinite series. 27. Godel publishes incompleteness theorems. 1831 A.D. 28. Galois writes about group theory. 1832 A.D. 29. Lovelace describes how to program Babbages Analytical Engine. 1842 A.D. 30. Riemann creates elliptic geometry. 1854 A.D. 31. Mobius strip is discovered. 1858 A.D. 32. Kovalevski is the first woman to earn a doctorate in mathematics. 1874 A.D. 33. Cantor creates transfinite numbers. 1895 A.D. 34. Whitehead and Russell write Principia Mathematica. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 opciones para migrantes en casos de deportación

3 opciones para migrantes en casos de deportacià ³n Cuando un migrante recibe un Notice to Appear en Corte migratoria para el inicio de un caso de deportacià ³n o un Immigration Hold, cuando ya est en custodia, debe informarse de cules son sus opciones. La deportacià ³n, que puede afectar a cualquier persona extranjera en los Estados Unidos, incluidos los Residentes Permanentes Legales, puede lucharse, para lo cual lo ms recomendable es contar con un abogado migratorio. Tambià ©n puede aceptarse, lo cual tiene como consecuencia que el migrante sale de Estados Unidos o puede ignorarse, convirtiendo al migrante en un prà ³fugo. En este artà ­culo se informa de las opciones para luchar la deportacià ³n y de las opciones y consecuencias de la misma. Finalmente, se explica por quà © es muy mala idea ignorar un procedimiento abierto o una orden de deportacià ³n. 10 opciones que tienen los migrantes para evitar una deportacià ³n En realidad son varias las posibles opciones. Sin embargo es muy importante entender que hay que cumplir los requisitos para poder beneficiarse. Y como la ley migratoria puede ser complicada realmente este es el momento para contar con un abogado, de pago o pro bono. Entre las opciones destacan las siguientes: 1. Cancelacià ³n de deportacià ³n En cuanto a los requisitos, hay una diferencia importante segà ºn se trate de un residente permanente legal o el migrante est en otra categorà ­a. Personas que no son titulares de una green card. Tambià ©n conocida como seccià ³n 42B Para poder solicitar que se cancele su deportacià ³n debern cumplir los siguientes requisitos: Vivir en EEUU de forma continua por al menos 10 aà ±os que se puede probar con pago de impuestos, contratos de renta, facturas mà ©dicas, etc.Poder demostrar buena conducta moral en los à ºltimos 10 aà ±os.Estar casado con un ciudadano estadounidense o con un residente permanente legal o tener hijos o padres que lo son. Y que la expulsià ³n de la persona sobre la que pende la deportacià ³n pueda causar a sus familiares estadounidenses o residentes permanentes penuria extrema.Este punto es fundamental, ya que no vale simplemente con tener una familia americana o residente permanente. Debe necesariamente probarse que la deportacià ³n causarà ­a un gran perjuicio a la parte legal de la familia, como por ejemplo en los casos en los que haya una enfermedad grave en la familia.No ser un riesgo para la seguridad nacional de EEUU.No haber cometido y haber sido sentenciado por causa criminal.No haber celebrado un matrimonio de conveniencia por papeles.Haber entrado a EEUU a travà ©s de una aduana terrestre, puerto o aeropuerto donde un oficial de inmigracià ³n tomà ³ registro de la entrada. Es decir, aquellas personas que ingresaron a EEUU simplemente cruzando la frontera por un lugar no vigilado no pueden solicitar la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n. No haber falsificado documentos para lograr la entrada en EEUU. Residente permanente legal tambià ©n conocido como seccià ³n 42A Debe haber vivido continuamente en EEUU despuà ©s de haber sido legalmente admitido por un mà ­nimo de 7 aà ±os hasta la fecha en que recibià ³ el Notice to appear o cometià ³ la ofensa que da lugar al immigration hold.Debe ser titular de una green card por al menos 5 aà ±os a contar hasta la fecha en la que se pide la cancelacià ³n.El delito que ha cometido no puede ser un delito agravado (aggravated felony, en inglà ©s).No puede ser un riesgo ni para la seguridad pà ºblica ni para la seguridad nacional de EEUU   2. CAT Son las siglas en inglà ©s de Convencià ³n en Contra de la Tortura. Para beneficiarse de CAT el migrante debe probar que tiene un riesgo superior al 50 por ciento de ser torturado por su gobierno o con el consentimiento del mismo si regresa a su paà ­s. Este estndar es muy difà ­cil de probar. 3. Suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como withholding of removal. Se parece al asilo porque se da por las mismas causas, pero es inferior en el tipo de proteccià ³n que otorga. Asà ­, en los caos de suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n ya hay una orden para ser deportado y una vez que se consigue la suspensià ³n se puede estar en Estados Unidos legalmente pero no hay un camino hacia la green card ni tampoco posibilidad de traer a Estados Unidos a la familia inmediata. Adems, es necesario pagar anualmente una cuota para renovar el permiso de trabajo y no se puede viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos. Si se hace, se considerar que el migrante se ha autodeportado y ser prcticamente imposible regresar a USA. 4. Asilo Se puede evitar la deportacià ³n pidiendo asilo siempre y cuando el extranjero tenga un miedo real y fundamentado de que ser perseguido si regresa a su paà ­s por sus opiniones polà ­ticas, creencias religiosas o por pertenecer a un determinado grupo à ©tnico o social. 4. Stay of removal Esta medida aplica a migrantes indocumentados que tienen una orden de deportacià ³n con fecha fija antes de la cual deben abandonar Estados Unidos. En algunos casos se puede solicitar que no se cumpla la orden de deportacià ³n en esa fecha y se asegura que sà ­ se saldr del paà ­s, pero posteriormente. El Stay of removal se solicita en la oficina local del ERO, pagando una cuota que en la actualidad es de $155 y presentando documentacià ³n que justifique la razà ³n de la peticià ³n. Si es concedida generalmente se coloca al migrante bajo una orden de supervisià ³n y tendr que pagar una fianza (bond) de al menos $1,500 pero que puede ser superior. En cuanto a la posibilidad de trabajar legalmente, en algunos casos se concede un permiso de trabajo. 5. Ajuste de estatus La persona sobre la que pende una orden de deportacià ³n puede pedirle al juez que la suspenda mediante un ajuste de estatus. Ejemplos de casos: El cà ³nyuge y los hijos y padres de ciudadanos estadounidenses siempre y cuando se cumplan los requisitos para que el ciudadano pueda solicitar por và ­nculo familiar una tarjeta verde para el extranjero.Por certificacià ³n laboral y una persona resulta elegible para obtener una green card por razà ³n laboral.Cuando la persona sobre la que pende la deportacià ³n tiene una aplicacià ³n anterior para cambio de ajuste migratorio. 6. Và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica Por aplicacià ³n de VAWA, los cà ³nyuges  residentes permanentes o ciudadanos estadounidenses y sus hijos podrn quedarse si han estado fà ­sicamente en EEUU por al menos tres aà ±os y han sido abusados por sus cà ³nyuges. Podrn conseguir la green card aunque se divorcien del esposo abusivo. 7. Và ­ctimas de violencia que colaboran con la policà ­a o fiscalà ­a La visa U permite a las và ­ctima de determinados delitos permanecer en Estados Unidos y obtener un estatus legal. Son necesarios que se cumplan varios requisitos, entre ellos, la colaboracià ³n con las fuerzas del orden para esclarecer el delito. 8. Motion to Supress Esta herramienta es muy rara en corte migratoria pero sà ­ que es posible. Un abogado puede utilizarla para defender a su cliente cuando el ICE ha violado los derechos constitucionales del migrante.   9. Acusacià ³n discrecional Esto es lo que se   conoce en inglà ©s como prosecutorial discretion. Es muy raro en casos migratorios de deportacià ³n pero sà ­ que es cierto que todos los aà ±os se producen   casos. Bsicamente significa que no se ejecuta una orden de deportacià ³n. 10. Perdones Dependiendo del caso de cada migrante, existen perdones que se pueden solicitar bajo el amparo de la ley de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a, conocida como INA, en sus apartados 212 letra c y letra h. Opciones cuando no hay lucha contra la deportacià ³n En algunos casos es posible llegar a un acuerdo para una salida voluntaria, la cual tiene ventajas sobre una deportacià ³n a cargo del gobierno.   En los casos de deportacià ³n es importante destacar que todas llevan una penalidad y que en algunos casos es posible aplicar por un perdà ³n, pero que cada migrante debe entender los requisitos que aplican segà ºn su caso. Tambià ©n destacar que, dependiendo del caso de cada uno, ser posible regresar aà ºn sin perdà ³n, dejando pasar un periodo de tiempo, que depende del caso de cada uno. Asimismo, recordar que en algunos casos es imposible regresar legalmente a Estados Unidos. No hay cosas como hacer desaparecer el rà ©cord migratorio pasado, eso es sà ³lo cuento de personas sin escrà ºpulos que desean aprovecharse de la desesperacià ³n de los migrantes. Por à ºltimo destacar que si un migrante deportado ingresa ilegalmente a Estados Unidos est cometiendo un delito, con todas las consecuencias que ello conlleva. La opcià ³n de desaparecerse o no hacer caso a una orden de deportacià ³n Algunos migrantes no se presentan a las citas en corte migratoria. En estos casos el resultado es una orden de deportacià ³n dictada en ausencia. En otros, no se cumplen con la orden de salir de los Estados Unidos. En uno y otro caso el migrante ser deportado inmediatamente si las autoridades migratorias lo agarran de alguna forma, que puede ser en un raid o simplemente en una parada de trfico cuando se va en un auto en el que ni siquiera se es el conductor. En estos casos no hay opciones. Simplemente se procede a la deportacià ³n. Abogados para casos de deportacià ³n Precisamente porque la deportacià ³n es un asunto muy serio con graves consecuencias se recomienda encarecidamente presentarse en corte con un abogado migratorio competente. Se puede buscar en AILA, que es la asociacià ³n de abogados de inmigracià ³n, o pedir consejo para referencias a organizaciones competentes de asistencia a migrantes que incluso en algunos casos pueden referir a abogados pro bono, es decir, que no cobran por sus servicios. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

IKEA assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

IKEA assignment - Essay Example The stores include restaurants and child care. Electric carts are provided for people who need them. IKEA’s products are trendy yet inexpensive relative to the market. The product line is very extensive. And IKEA prints and distributes more catalogues each year than the world produces Bibles (Roth). The company has found itself in a position of prominence because of the unique strategy it has developed since its inception as a small mail-order merchant in Sweden in 1943. Its founder, Ingvar Kamprad, was a man of vision who started developing this strategy from the very beginning. It took him only twelve years to develop his model. He put the final touches on it in 1965 when he opened a large store in suburban Stockholm that resembles today’s stores worldwide. A great deal of IKEA’s strategy is embedded in what it calls the IKEA Concept. According to the IKEA Web site, the IKEA Concept â€Å"is based on offering a wide range of well designed, functional home furn ishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.† The site also suggests that IKEA’s target market is the middle class, not the upper class that has always been able to buy trendy furniture. The Web site also discusses the way its products are designed, manufactured, and distributed. There is mention of how the products are assembled. In a sense, this is a fallacy because most IKEA furniture products are sold disassembled which is one of the reasons why they can be sold as cheaply as they are. Although Kamprad initially bought the furniture he sold, he soon changed his strategy by manufacturing the furniture himself. He designed his furniture to be functional and yet easy and inexpensive to build. The furniture was sold disassembled to save on manufacturing costs. And it was displayed in the store with detailed explanation tickets to alleviate the need for salesperson assistance, thus cutting down on the cost of labor (Owens) . A major competitive advantage that IKEA has is its control over the channels of production and distribution. It controls a network of 1800 suppliers in more than 50 countries (Normann and Ramirez). Because marketing channels are so critical on market acceptance and overall economic performance, creating a formal planning process for designing and selecting channels is imperative (Stern & El-Ansary: 222). Much of this control is spelled out in its code of conduct that it calls â€Å"The IKEA Way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products.† This code was launched in 2000. It defines what suppliers can expect from IKEA and specifies what IKEA expects from its suppliers. It not only spells out its expectations in terms of legal requirements, working conditions, external environment, and forestry management, but also puts a great deal of emphasis on the active prevention of child labor (IKEA Web site). Partly for societal reasons and partly because it is just plain good business, IK EA has become very environmentally aware. For example, for decades the firm has worked to minimize the use of formaldehyde in its products. For 25 years, IKEA has applied the German formaldehyde legal requirement for all its products in all markets. The Germans have the strictest standard in the world. IKEA even applies this standard in countries where no limit exists. The German limit is such that even persons who are overly sensitive to formaldehyde should not experience any problems

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Joint Functions Course of Action and Sketch Coursework

Joint Functions Course of Action and Sketch - Coursework Example The operation occurs in NATO nations and allied forces (Elsner, Hanappi & Hanappi 12). Strategic significance It is a necessity for law and order. During wartime, it is indispensable for offences such as treason, betrayal and defection to be punished by death. It is for the greater good of both the country and the army in terms of security. In executing, say, a traitor, it will help in terminating further leakage of strategic and crucial military secrets that in failing to stop them, will jeopardize the security status of the country. Therefore, the death sentence is the only foul- proof means to put an end to these heinous crimes. There comes a time when logic is beaten by necessity, and necessity being the best solution to the incumbent problem. Therefore, the United States of America’s constitution has recognized these times and put the death sentence in place to cater for it. Thus, the death penalty is in place due to this necessity (Elsner, Hanappi & Hanappi 14). Goals an d objectives The policy of the United States aims in promoting a regional stability and to ensure that the available resources are safe for the citizens and allies. The main objective is to coordinate and maintain an effective mechanism to deter the enemies through a counter defense mechanism. The policy intends to deny the enemy access to the regional communication and resources. The aim is to design a system that improves regional stability, deter ear, and demonstrate the commitment levels to the region. Once the government of the United States has established a combat power to generate an adequate defense strategy, an implementation is carried out to counter attack and restore peace in its territory (Elsner, Hanappi & Hanappi 18). Purpose The concept plan gives an idea of deployment and employment of the war forces in an counter force. The civil war was a fight to keep the union of the United States of America. Conflicting opinions arose due to the federal government on the conce pt of the constitution. A rift between the handling of governments run by the federal and executive governments created the civil war. A union meant that the two run under one constitution. The war continued for four year. The division between the north and south conflicted against the election of Abraham Lincoln. The northern state was free while the southern state comprised of slaves. The union formed from eleven southern states lead to a disagreement after Lincoln declared the acts illegal. The sketch of the command structure The responsibilities of the tactics The fight over power paints a different picture if pasted in today’s happening. The reaction is the same only that people do not go into a civil war. The war experienced today involves individuals withholding necessary resources until certain regions accept the given ruling. The civil war began after the battle of Bull Run in 1861. The war showed signs of lasting for years. The states experienced huge battles in the states in America. The central reason behind the war was slavery, but until the Battle of Antietam in 1862 is when the slavery issue subsided. The slaves finally gained their freedom after the war during the thirteenth amendment. Expectations of the law The war started the poor economic circle that we experience today. For the northern part of America, they experienced a boon while for the south it was an economic disaster. The civil war created not time for business

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Surrealism in fashion design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Surrealism in fashion design - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism in fashion design" focuses on the connection between fashion design and surrealism. Fashion design is highly commercialized to the extent that many innovative approaches have been tried to finally come up with the right and ‘in’ thing. The ever changing trends in fashion design just proves the fact that everyone is constantly searching for style and that everyone cannot just stand on a single taste about a certain product. Therefore, there is an urgency to innovate or even make use of what is already at hand to come up with a synchrony on the product’s choice and consumers’ taste, style, needs and wants. Back to the amount of effort one has to place on the ever changing trend of fashion design, there is a need to find out the level at which the look and content of fashion design is very significant in the conceptualization of a certain product in line with fashion. This will ensure that the right concept of a certain product will be es tablished so as to align with majority of customers’ choice. Little connection was there between art and fashion design before. Not until the emergence of surrealism works by Salvador Dali, Elsa Schiaparelli and John Galliano which are integrated nowadays with fashion design. Surrealism has come into existence and bringing the name with it as an art form. Today, surrealism designs are integrated in fashion design and the harmony that this brings is remarkable that until now, acceptance in the market is of high significance.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Yin and Yang The Theory of Opposite Forces

Yin and Yang The Theory of Opposite Forces You may have heard of yin and yang and wondered what exactly they mean and how the theory explains how they work. Yin and yang are basically the meaning of opposite factors. There are two basic concepts associated with the theory of yin and yang: The difference of opposite factors in any system The relationships that exist between these forces. Yin and yang are complimentary to each other, and both are required to create and engage a positive environment. The normal and healthy existence of everything in nature relies on the enhancement and interaction of the two different forces. These forces can come in just about any element that has opposites. Some examples include: Day and night Summer and winter Work and rest Man and woman When there is an antagonistic kind of relationship between any of the opposites it can lead to destruction, but is because of opposite forces that the balance in nature is continually maintained. Yin nourishes and supports Yang and Yang supports and nourishes Yin. This relationship is dependent on the other, yet opposite and independent of each other. Opposites can hold each other in a balanced state and be able to exude control mutually. Everything in the world physically has an opposite. This theory applies to things as basic as having a front to things and a back. Birth is opposite of death, recession is opposite of an economic boom. In addition, the theory of yin and yang holds that there are not advantages present without disadvantages and there are not disadvantages that are present without advantages. Yin attracts the forces of Yang and Yang attracts the forces of Yin. The theory also holds that Yin gradually turns Yang and Yang gradually turns Yin.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Evolution of the Internet: A Rhizomatic Application of Darwin :: Internet Web Cyberspace Essays

Evolution of the Internet Evolution is the process Charles Darwin described – the story he told – to explain the diversity of the planet. Evolution exists in nature as the interplay between linear natural selection and random events. This randomness necessitates a nonlinear model for exploring evolution as a whole, and as randomness is increasingly recognized as the dominant evolutionary force, "evolutionary schemas may be forced to abandon the old model of the tree and descent" (Deleuze 33). If we take a rhizome as an evolutionary model instead of a tree, this "connects any point to any other point" (Deleuze 35) and allows for nonlinear progression. Once the model for evolution is freed from its directed linear path, it can be applied to disciplines outside of biology. The internet has evolved in much the same way as life on earth. Just as "all life on Earth... started with a single origin of life" (Mayr 21) and has grown increasingly complex, "the Internet grew from a single experimental network... to a globe-spanning system linking millions of computers" (Abbate 1). Both processes began with a single entity that turned into populations by increasing its complexity and diversity. While the "spreading out" of organisms on the planet is governed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the parallel "spreading out" of information on the Internet is the result of a different kind of entropy. As populations and diversity increase, entropy escalates: in the internet's infancy, there were so few users that there was limited cyber-interaction among them (Abbate 84), but as more users signed on and more documents became available, there was further interaction and thus accelerated evolution. The same kind of order / disorder, expansion / contraction binaries that drive the evolution of life on earth can be applied to the evolution of the internet. In life, these opposing pairs catalyze speciation. On the internet, they create the kind of categories used in directories to organize information and by browsers to recognize different types of documents (HTML, PHP, PDF, JPEG, etc.). Whether the evolution of life and of the internet is occurring as a process moving toward "perfection" is irrelevant: both systems are in transition, suspended in "continuous flux" (Mayr 7) in a race toward ever-increasing complexity and diversity. Both of these parallel processes must be considered rhizomatically. Neither the internet nor life has progressed along a clear line. Alongside and around the "main" trajectory of evolution, there exists "aparallel evolution" (Deleuze 33). Evolution of the Internet: A Rhizomatic Application of Darwin :: Internet Web Cyberspace Essays Evolution of the Internet Evolution is the process Charles Darwin described – the story he told – to explain the diversity of the planet. Evolution exists in nature as the interplay between linear natural selection and random events. This randomness necessitates a nonlinear model for exploring evolution as a whole, and as randomness is increasingly recognized as the dominant evolutionary force, "evolutionary schemas may be forced to abandon the old model of the tree and descent" (Deleuze 33). If we take a rhizome as an evolutionary model instead of a tree, this "connects any point to any other point" (Deleuze 35) and allows for nonlinear progression. Once the model for evolution is freed from its directed linear path, it can be applied to disciplines outside of biology. The internet has evolved in much the same way as life on earth. Just as "all life on Earth... started with a single origin of life" (Mayr 21) and has grown increasingly complex, "the Internet grew from a single experimental network... to a globe-spanning system linking millions of computers" (Abbate 1). Both processes began with a single entity that turned into populations by increasing its complexity and diversity. While the "spreading out" of organisms on the planet is governed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the parallel "spreading out" of information on the Internet is the result of a different kind of entropy. As populations and diversity increase, entropy escalates: in the internet's infancy, there were so few users that there was limited cyber-interaction among them (Abbate 84), but as more users signed on and more documents became available, there was further interaction and thus accelerated evolution. The same kind of order / disorder, expansion / contraction binaries that drive the evolution of life on earth can be applied to the evolution of the internet. In life, these opposing pairs catalyze speciation. On the internet, they create the kind of categories used in directories to organize information and by browsers to recognize different types of documents (HTML, PHP, PDF, JPEG, etc.). Whether the evolution of life and of the internet is occurring as a process moving toward "perfection" is irrelevant: both systems are in transition, suspended in "continuous flux" (Mayr 7) in a race toward ever-increasing complexity and diversity. Both of these parallel processes must be considered rhizomatically. Neither the internet nor life has progressed along a clear line. Alongside and around the "main" trajectory of evolution, there exists "aparallel evolution" (Deleuze 33).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Should College Athletes Be Paid?

Should College Athletes Be Paid? Should college athletes be paid? This question has been the subject of debate for many years. There are pros and cons to both sides of the issue, but college athletes deserve to be paid for several reasons. One reason is that college athletes are not allowed to work and earn money when they are playing a sport. Another is that college athletes can contribute to a winning team that attracts fans and raises ticket sales and can bring in money through sponsorships and merchandising. Paying college athletes will also prevent them from accepting bribes, such as money, cars and clothes. Another consideration is how are athletes going to afford all the necessary expenses for college, especially if they come from poor families. Some people say that athletes are being paid with an education, but what if an athlete has an injury that requires surgery? Athletes and their families will need money to pay medical bills, which will be expensive. Surgery is not cheap and they may not be able to pay the medical bill. Lastly, paying athletes may help them stay in school longer rather than turning professional where they could stand to make a lot of money. â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † New York Public Library. 2003. 21 Dec. 2009 . ) College athletes should be paid because they are not allowed to work and earn money. (â€Å"Slaves of Big Time College Sports. † USA Today. 2000. Eitzen, D Stanley. 21 Dec. 2009 . ) Without that money, many athletes may not be able to afford college or the associated expenses, such as food or rent if they live off campus. Thi s defeats a key goal of college, which is to make students self-sufficient and be able to take care of themselves without their parents or guardians. Another reason that college athletes should be paid is that they attract fans and sponsors but receive none of the profit. It has been estimated that a Division One school can earn as much as $750 million from ticket sales and merchandising in just one football season. (â€Å"Slaves of Big Time College Sports. † USA Today. 2000. Eitzen, D Stanley. 21 Dec. 2009 . ). That amount equals almost $11. 3 million per player! The school should take some of the profit, and the college athletes should receive the majority of it, which clearly does not happen. Instead none of the money goes to the athletes. In addition to ticket sales and merchandising, schools also receive sponsorships. Merchandise brings in less than $1 million annually to the University of Florida compared to the $69 million total revenue. Again, this number would be significantly less in a school that did not win back to back-to-back championships. Merchandise is low on the list of revenue behind boosters, sponsorships, ticket sales, etc. (â€Å"Should Student Athletes Like Tim Tebow Be Paid for Endorsements? † The Bleacher Report. 2009. Brown, Jeremy. 10 March 2010 http://www. thebleacherreport. com). The head of the Tennessee women’s basketball team receives $200,000 a year from sponsorships and radio and television shows, in addition to her $175,000 salary. The $200,000 she receives from sponsorships and radio and television goes directly to her: the athletes do not get a penny of it. (â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † Issues and Controversies. 1999. 18 Dec. 2009 . ) Paying college athletes would prevent them from accepting bribes. An opposing school could offer a key player on the team money to throw a game. That key player could be bribed into doing this. If athletes were paid, it would reduce the chances of this happening. Players may also be bribed with money or cars to go to a certain college. This would have the effect of making wealthier schools better at sports because they can afford to pay the players with bribes. Another reason for paying college athletes is to keep them in college. The truly good athletes may have the opportunity to turn professional in their junior year and make millions of dollars. If they are at least being paid some money in college, that could give them a reason to stay and complete their senior year and graduate. Some people say that college athletes are being paid with an education. An education is important and should be the priority, but the reality is many Division One athletes go to college to play sports with the hope of becoming professional. An education does not pay for food or clothes or an injury that may happen. Medical bills are expensive, and the athletes and their families might not be able to afford the necessary medical treatments. Furthermore, institutions’ athletic scholarships in reality are not usually good enough to support entire teams. â€Å"We examined such scholarships available at our institution, and it is clear that most scholarships aren’t ‘full rides. They fail to cover a lot of the expenses throughout the four years of college. In addition, there is no guarantee that an annual athletic scholarship will be renewed for every returning student athlete. † (â€Å"Should Student-Athletes Be Paid? † The Sport Digest. Martin M. 2008. 9 March 2010 http://www. thesportsdigest. com. ) Athletes should be paid to play for many reasons. College athletes are not allowed to work and to earn money for school and related expenses. They also attract fans and raise money from ticket sales, sponsorships and merchandising to benefit their schools but do not receive any of that money in return. Paying athletes may also prevent them from accepting bribes such as money, clothes and cars. Lastly, if athletes were paid, it could help encourage them to stay in school and waiting until graduating before they turn professional. Bibliography Brown, Jeremy â€Å"Should Student Athletes Like Tim Tebow Get Paid For Endorsements? † The Bleacher Report. 16 November 2009. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 10 March 2010. http://www. thebleacherreport. com Eitzen, D Stanley â€Å"Slaves of Big Time College Sports† USA Today. September 26 2000. Sirs. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 1 December 2009. http://sks. sirs. com M, Martin â€Å"Should Student Athletes Be Paid? † The Sports Digest. 21 April 2008. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 9 March 2010. http://:www. thesportsdigest. com Shenk, David â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † New York Public Library. 27 July 2003. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 21 December 2009. http://nypl. org â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † Issues and Controversies. 4 June 1999. Facts on File. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 18 December 2009. http://www. 2facts. com Should college athletes be paid? Should college athletes be paid? Should College Athletes Be Paid? Should College Athletes Be Paid? Should college athletes be paid? This question has been the subject of debate for many years. There are pros and cons to both sides of the issue, but college athletes deserve to be paid for several reasons. One reason is that college athletes are not allowed to work and earn money when they are playing a sport. Another is that college athletes can contribute to a winning team that attracts fans and raises ticket sales and can bring in money through sponsorships and merchandising. Paying college athletes will also prevent them from accepting bribes, such as money, cars and clothes. Another consideration is how are athletes going to afford all the necessary expenses for college, especially if they come from poor families. Some people say that athletes are being paid with an education, but what if an athlete has an injury that requires surgery? Athletes and their families will need money to pay medical bills, which will be expensive. Surgery is not cheap and they may not be able to pay the medical bill. Lastly, paying athletes may help them stay in school longer rather than turning professional where they could stand to make a lot of money. â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † New York Public Library. 2003. 21 Dec. 2009 . ) College athletes should be paid because they are not allowed to work and earn money. (â€Å"Slaves of Big Time College Sports. † USA Today. 2000. Eitzen, D Stanley. 21 Dec. 2009 . ) Without that money, many athletes may not be able to afford college or the associated expenses, such as food or rent if they live off campus. Thi s defeats a key goal of college, which is to make students self-sufficient and be able to take care of themselves without their parents or guardians. Another reason that college athletes should be paid is that they attract fans and sponsors but receive none of the profit. It has been estimated that a Division One school can earn as much as $750 million from ticket sales and merchandising in just one football season. (â€Å"Slaves of Big Time College Sports. † USA Today. 2000. Eitzen, D Stanley. 21 Dec. 2009 . ). That amount equals almost $11. 3 million per player! The school should take some of the profit, and the college athletes should receive the majority of it, which clearly does not happen. Instead none of the money goes to the athletes. In addition to ticket sales and merchandising, schools also receive sponsorships. Merchandise brings in less than $1 million annually to the University of Florida compared to the $69 million total revenue. Again, this number would be significantly less in a school that did not win back to back-to-back championships. Merchandise is low on the list of revenue behind boosters, sponsorships, ticket sales, etc. (â€Å"Should Student Athletes Like Tim Tebow Be Paid for Endorsements? † The Bleacher Report. 2009. Brown, Jeremy. 10 March 2010 http://www. thebleacherreport. com). The head of the Tennessee women’s basketball team receives $200,000 a year from sponsorships and radio and television shows, in addition to her $175,000 salary. The $200,000 she receives from sponsorships and radio and television goes directly to her: the athletes do not get a penny of it. (â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † Issues and Controversies. 1999. 18 Dec. 2009 . ) Paying college athletes would prevent them from accepting bribes. An opposing school could offer a key player on the team money to throw a game. That key player could be bribed into doing this. If athletes were paid, it would reduce the chances of this happening. Players may also be bribed with money or cars to go to a certain college. This would have the effect of making wealthier schools better at sports because they can afford to pay the players with bribes. Another reason for paying college athletes is to keep them in college. The truly good athletes may have the opportunity to turn professional in their junior year and make millions of dollars. If they are at least being paid some money in college, that could give them a reason to stay and complete their senior year and graduate. Some people say that college athletes are being paid with an education. An education is important and should be the priority, but the reality is many Division One athletes go to college to play sports with the hope of becoming professional. An education does not pay for food or clothes or an injury that may happen. Medical bills are expensive, and the athletes and their families might not be able to afford the necessary medical treatments. Furthermore, institutions’ athletic scholarships in reality are not usually good enough to support entire teams. â€Å"We examined such scholarships available at our institution, and it is clear that most scholarships aren’t ‘full rides. They fail to cover a lot of the expenses throughout the four years of college. In addition, there is no guarantee that an annual athletic scholarship will be renewed for every returning student athlete. † (â€Å"Should Student-Athletes Be Paid? † The Sport Digest. Martin M. 2008. 9 March 2010 http://www. thesportsdigest. com. ) Athletes should be paid to play for many reasons. College athletes are not allowed to work and to earn money for school and related expenses. They also attract fans and raise money from ticket sales, sponsorships and merchandising to benefit their schools but do not receive any of that money in return. Paying athletes may also prevent them from accepting bribes such as money, clothes and cars. Lastly, if athletes were paid, it could help encourage them to stay in school and waiting until graduating before they turn professional. Bibliography Brown, Jeremy â€Å"Should Student Athletes Like Tim Tebow Get Paid For Endorsements? † The Bleacher Report. 16 November 2009. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 10 March 2010. http://www. thebleacherreport. com Eitzen, D Stanley â€Å"Slaves of Big Time College Sports† USA Today. September 26 2000. Sirs. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 1 December 2009. http://sks. sirs. com M, Martin â€Å"Should Student Athletes Be Paid? † The Sports Digest. 21 April 2008. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 9 March 2010. http://:www. thesportsdigest. com Shenk, David â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † New York Public Library. 27 July 2003. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 21 December 2009. http://nypl. org â€Å"Should College Athletes Be Paid? † Issues and Controversies. 4 June 1999. Facts on File. Croton Harmon High School Library, Croton on Hudson, NY. 18 December 2009. http://www. 2facts. com